Monday, May 8, 2023

Dynamic Column Color for Positive / Negative Numbers

If you're looking for a quick and easy way to add some pizazz to your Excel spreadsheets, you're in luck! With a few clicks of the mouse, you can add dynamic column colors that change based on the positive or negative value of the number. This is a great way to add some visual interest to your data and make it easier to scan and interpret at a glance. It makes it easier for your audience to quickly understand where they should focus on your chart and make decisions decisively. Whether you present this in the sheet itself or put into a presentation it’ll be more effective when your using the colors to point out the important parts of your data.

Monday, May 1, 2023

Create Custom Horizontal or x-axis Labels

If you're working with data in Excel, you know that labels on the x-axis can make or break the way your data is presented. Are you looking for a way to create custom horizontal or x-axis labels in Excel? Look no further! This video will show you how to do just that, using a simple trick that anyone can learn. After watching this video, you'll be an x-axis labeling pro! You'll be able to create custom horizontal or x-axis labels in Excel, using a simple trick that anyone can learn. This skill will come in handy when you're working with data in Excel and want to ensure that your data is presented in the best way possible.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Highlight High and Low Sales on Column Chart

Column Charts can be the most common type of chart you show. Why not spice things up by leading your audience to certain parts of the chart. If you’re charting sales or productivity numbers, you may want to focus on the high numbers as well as the low numbers. And with most charts, one of the best ways to do this is with color. You’d choose one standout color for a high value and another color for a low value. And your other values could be some boring grey color. To highlight the MINs and MAXs of your data in a column chart is not on easy, but it’s a visually effective ways of helping your audience to focus on what you’d want them to see as the more important parts of the chart.

Monday, April 17, 2023

Create Actual vs Budget Line Chart with Label

This chart is a great way to visualize something like how your actual budget lines up with your projected budget. You need a visual and one of the best ones is the humble line chart. You see a line chart almost every day if you follow financial news, so you know most businesspeople have seen it. Creating the line chart with labels is a great tool for tracking your budget and ensuring that you stay on track.

Monday, April 10, 2023

Highlight High and Low Sales on Bar Chart

A Bar Chart can be the most common type of chart you show. Why not spice things up by leading your audience to certain parts of the chart. If you’re charting sales or productivity numbers, you may want to focus on the high numbers as well as the low numbers.
The highest and lowest sales can be highlighted on a bar chart by using different colors for the bars. For example, the highest sales can be represented by a green bar, while the lowest sales can be represented by a orangish bar. This will help to make the data more visually appealing and easier to understand.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Find Errors in Your Excel Formulas

You’ve written formulas, thought it was all set and hit the Enter key and BAM! Excel gives you an error. Short formulas are easy to troubleshoot but long ones, especially when they reference multiple cells are a sometimes a pain to figure out. You could go through the formula look at this cell and that cell, clicking through it but there’s some tools in Excel that will help make it easier and keep you from smashing your head when you don’t know where that #Value error is coming from. Now, these tools show up in the most appropriate Ribbon tab called Formula. It’s the Evaluate formula and error checking commands and they will make your excel life easier.

Monday, March 27, 2023

Create Risk Assessment Chart - Google Sheets

Do you like risks? Most people would say long as it’s a calculated risk. But do you know what is risky? Not identifying risks and putting some rating on them. This is especially true if you’re in an organization and project managing activities. Don’t be that guy or gal that does that. Let your people know what kind of risks may happen to your projects. What’s better is if you can categorize them too. Like with Low, Medium, and High. What you need is a risk assessment matrix and a nice free tool to create this is Google Sheets. I mentioned putting the Formula so here it is with the table row data starting in Row 9 and column C & D with respectively Priority and Impact headers: =IF(OR(AND(C9 = "Low", D9 = "Low"), AND(D9 = "Medium", C9 = "Low"), AND(C9 = "Medium", D9 = "Low")), "Low", IF(OR(AND(C9 = "Medium", D9 = "Medium"), AND(D9 = "High", C9 = "Low"), AND(C9 = "High", D9 = "Low")), "Medium", IF(OR(AND(C9 = "High", D9 = "High"), AND(D9 = "High", C9 = "Medium"), AND(C9 = "High", D9 = "Medium")), "High")))