Monday, December 19, 2022

Sharing Files with Power Query Parameter Feature

When you are sharing Power Query files, it's usually not an issue to update and refresh your data. However if your source file and your file that is the final output for analysis are separate files, it becomes an issue. You're sending two separate files to your co-workers and expect this to work? Good luck, unless you have an easy way to make your links to the source file link. That could be done fairly easily with a parameter. Check out the video to see how you can make sharing Power Query files seamless.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Calculate Difference from Previous Row Excel & Power Query

When you’re compare period data like sales from one month to another, quite often you’ll want to know the difference between the months. In a standard Excel worksheet, this is super easy to do. When you get to a pivot table, also super easy but maybe not quite as intuitive...though it can still be done super easy. The same for Power Query, easy to do but not intuitive. Thanks for coming to this video because I’ll show you these three ways to do subtract value from a previous cell.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Pivot Two Columns to Multiple Columns with Power Query

If you’re familiar with Pivot Tables in Excel, there’s a pivot feature in Power Query. Why would you want to use this feature in Power Query? Well, if it something you need to need as part of you transformation steps in Power Query then you need to know it’s there. Or if it’s a step you do on a recurring basis, Power Query makes it easier to do it with a few clicks.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Fuzzy Match Lookup in Power Query

If you’re familiar with doing a lookup in Power Query, it’s basically using the Merge feature. Inside this merge feature is a almost hidden option of using something called Fuzzy match.
If you’re used to doing lookups in Excel with VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH, you know that it does an exact match with the looked up text or value. What Fuzzy match does for your is to try to “guess” your looked up value and bring back your intended results. It’s neat that it would guess this and in some case with the help it can look up MSFT and bring back data associated with Microsoft (all spelled out).

Monday, November 21, 2022

Transpose One Column Into Multiple Columns with Excel Macro

Say you’ve got a file from someone that is an address list. Name, address, city etc. But it’s all in one column. It’s not separated into different columns to easily do any analysis or mail merge. You need to put it into a table with a name field or address field. This also can apply to other types of one column data or databases. There’s a bunch of ways to transform this type of data, and in this video, I’ll show a quick way to do it by recording a macro. It’s not as scary as it sounds. Heck I’m not VBA expert and I could even do it. And if I can do it, so can you.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Pivot Table Conditional Formatting

Pivot Tables are one of the best analytical tools in Excel. BUT like any other tables in Excel, you can get lost in the numbers and letters, when there’s a lot. And the easiest way to get your point across is with visuals. And that what conditional formatting can do for you. Help you communicate an important message with your data. You don’t always need to create a separate bar or line chart for your data. Even though a Pivot Table is a great analytical tool, sometimes you need an extra push to help highlight data and conditional formatting is something that does that.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Create a Custom Sort in Excel and Power Query

You can create a custom list to sort if you don't want to use the ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A) sort. If you want to sort North-South-East-West in this order instead of alphabetically (i.e., East-North-South-West), a creating a custom sort will be your solution. This video will show you how it's enable to help analyze Pivot Table data and also if you want to create a custom sort capability in Power Query.