Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Google Sheets - Create a Candlestick Chart

A candlestick chart is a multiple purpose graph that can provide information about stock history (i.e., open, close, high and low prices) in one consolidated view. Google Sheets give you a way to view a stock history via the ticker symbol in a table and then put it into a candlestick chart. In addition, you can set it up to dynamically pull in different stocks as you enter the new ticker symbol in. In this video, I'll cover how to cover how to create a basic candlestick chart and how to create a box plot (or box and whiskers) with the candlestick chart feature. Caveat: It's not a full fledge box plot, more of a pseudo box plot because it doesn't include a median statistic. Lastly I'll cover how to create a dynamic stock history table and the candlestick chart that pulls it's data from that table.

Monday, January 4, 2021

Combine or Append Tables | Same Workbook | Multiple Worksheets

You want to use Excel to combine tables in different worksheet tabs in the same workbook file. You also want to preserve the title in those worksheets to use for a new column value in the combined output. Luckily the tables are all structured the same and have the same column headings. The catch is that the worksheet tabs are the generic name (i.e, Sheet1 or Sheet2) and there is a common field that houses the value that categorizes the tables. One worksheet will be California data and another worksheet would be New York data. If these were small data sets, then copy/paste and some column movements would suffice. However if these are large tables, you do this on a recurring basis or this is something you get from someone else on a recurring basis, it would be a chore. This is a great opportunity to use Power Query and this video will show how. This is a tip I learned from Gil Raviv's book. Get the book at

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Google Sheets - Separate or Split Text on Comma, Space or Other Delimiter

When you get a list of values that are separated by comma, semi-colons or other delimiters, you might want to separate the values into it's own cell whether it's across columns or down the rows. In Google Sheets this video will cover two ways to do this; one with the text to column command in the file menu and the second with the SPLIT function.