Monday, July 20, 2020

Use the FREQUENCY Function

A common activity in analyzing a bunch of data is to categorize it. One way to do that is to put it into bins or buckets of ranges. For example if you have a list of ages you may want to put the count of people is the age range of decades like 0 to 10 and then 11 to 20 and etcetera. You can use the FREQUENCY function to do this simple categorization. See the video to learn how.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Chord Diagram in Power BI

A Chord Diagram or Network Radial Diagrams as a type of chart that is popular in data viz programs. You can't find it in Excel and not natively in Power BI. However it is a data visual that you can import from the Power BI marketplace (and it's from Microsoft). It's a visually appealing chart and quite popular to data viz practitioners. You might think that making this is hard, but with the chord data visualization import from the marketplace, it's really easy. And you don't need fancy programs like R or Python.

Monday, July 13, 2020

Animate a Bubble Chart in Power BI

Animated Bubble Chart probably got their start from Hans Rosling's TED talk demo using their Gapminder tool. This data visualization has come a long way with quite a few tools that enable this animation. Power BI is one of those tools that have this capability. It is part of the scatter chart visualization using the play field. However there is also another data visualization tool you can download from the Power BI Visuals marketplace called Play Axis that gives you some more options. This video will cover creating an animated bubble chart using both.