Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Use the MAXIFS and MINIFS Functions

If you've got Excel 2016, you've got the MINIFS and MAXIFS functions. They let you find the minimum (lowest) and maximum (highest) values based on one or more conditions (criteria). The criteria can be numeric or text and this video will show you how.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Calculate a Poisson Distribution Probability in Excel

Leave it to the French to give such an elegant word for a statistical concept - the Poisson distribution. This concept is trying to find out the probability of the success of a given number of events that happens over some area of time or space. Or to more simply state it let's put an example forward...like what is the probability of how many car accidents can happen over a certain road or what's the probability that we see a storm occur over a certain area. There's three examples that will be covered and conveniently enough that is an function in Excel (POISSON.DIST) that execute the Poisson formula.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Basic Introduction to Expected Monetary Value

Expected Monetary Value is one of those basic probability calculations that can help you make some fundamental decisions like if you should take that bet or determine how much money to set aside on a project for risks.  This video will cover common expected (monetary) value scenarios.