Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Use the DSUM Function

Excel has a bunch of these "Database" function; usually it starts with the letter "D".  It basically allows you to perform some kinds of calculation or manipulate data from a table of data for some defined output.  In this video I'll show you how to use one of those database function: DSUM.  See the video to learn more on how to use the Microsoft Excel DSUM function.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Animate an Excel Chart in PowerPoint

There are times when you need to present your Excel chart.  And usually if you have Excel, you probably would have PowerPoint. Instead of a static Excel chart, you can make it "dynamic" with the animation features of PowerPoint. This video shows how to animate Excel chart that are pasted into a PowerPoint slide.  You can animate the whole chart or specific parts of the char

Monday, June 17, 2019

Add a Trendline to a Chart to Make Forecasts

Line charts are a good way to look at how data changes through time. It also aids you in seeing a trend.  With that in mind, there is an option is Excel to add a trendline that helps you forecast how the existing data might be interpreted for the future.  See this video to learn how  to add a trendline to a line chart to make forecasts.