Monday, May 20, 2019

Calculate Compound Interest

Did you know you can use Excel to figure out how much something is going to cost or how much money you'll get in the future assuming some fixed interest rate? It's call Future Value and this term is often used in business as well as personal finance. See this video to learn about using Excel to calculate compound interest with the Future Value (FV) formula and Excel's built in FV function.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Use the SEARCH Function

If you're looking for some text string or other values within a cell you can use the Find feature in Excel. But what if you wanted to do this programatically and have it execute for every row without manual interventions. It can be done with a built in function called SEARCH...see the video to learn how to use the SEARCH function in Excel.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Create a Bubble Chart with Multiple Series of Data

Ask kids if they like bubbles and most likely you'll get a resounding "YES!" Heck even some adults like bubbles. I think it has something to do with the shiny curves and the airiness of these spherical entities. So when you have the chance to add more bubbles to your Excel bubble chart why not? It actually not that hard to add more more series of data to your chart. But be careful of adding too many series (bubbles), because just like a washing machine overloaded with too much detergent, a bubble chart can be overloaded with too many bubble.