Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Create a Bubble Chart with Multiple Series of Data

Ask kids if they like bubbles and most likely you'll get a resounding "YES!" Heck even some adults like bubbles. I think it has something to do with the shiny curves and the airiness of these spherical entities. So when you have the chance to add more bubbles to your Excel bubble chart why not? It actually not that hard to add more more series of data to your chart. But be careful of adding too many series (bubbles), because just like a washing machine overloaded with too much detergent, a bubble chart can be overloaded with too many bubble.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Create a Motion Bubble Chart

If you're familiar with a TED talk given by the late Hans Rosling, you're problem familiar the the cool motion chart he showed with about world development. It had data, it had animation and it had drama! You can replicate the data and animation part (the drama you'll need to provide) in the example of how to create a motion bubble chart from this video.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Link an Excel Table to PowerPoint

This video shows how to link an Excel table into PowerPoint. I show two ways this can be done to link the Excel data into a slide. The link updates dynamically as long as there is a viable path between the two files.