Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Lock Rows and Columns with Freeze Panes or Split

If you've got a table with lots of rows or columns, you usually end up doing a lot of scrolling either horizontally or vertically. When doing that it gets easy to lose site of what the cell values mean. That why header fields are usually good to have stay static when scrolling through rows or columns. There is a way to lock those in either by freezing those cell ranges or by splitting the views. See the video to learn to to lock rows or columns with Freeze Panes or Split in Excel.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Add a Watermark in Excel

Do you want to insert some kind of background image to your worksheet? Maybe a picture or some kind of watermark. This video covers how to insert a watermark into an excel worksheet. Two examples are covered, one using WordArt and the other is inserting an image in the header.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Remove Unwanted Characters in Excel

This brief video show some example of how to remove unwanted characters or spaces. It gives an overview of the what symbols are in Excel and what to look out for when deleting "spaces".