Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Create a Horizontal Scrolling Table

You may have seen how to create a scrolling table to scroll vertically (up and down), but what if you wanted to go horizontally (side to side). Well this video will show you how to create a scrolling table that scrolls horizontally. This video show the steps on how to create it using the scroll bar form control and the OFFSET function.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Create a Scrolling Table

It's fairly easy to create a table in Excel, but when it gets large you have to use the the arrows to scroll up and down. But what if you want to constrain the table to a fixed row height and perform scrolling within the table? This can actually be done with some Excel functions and it's not as hard as you might think. See this video to learn how to create a scrolling table that lets your scroll through a range from a larger table.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Create a Stacked Column or Bar Chart

Column charts provide a quick way to compare data. A variant of the column chart is a stacked column chart which visually shows how different parts of the total stack up to each other. Think of it as a pie chart, but in a horizontal column or bar format. See this video to learn how to create a stacked column, 100% stacked column or stacked bar chart.