Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Create a Stacked Column or Bar Chart

Column charts provide a quick way to compare data. A variant of the column chart is a stacked column chart which visually shows how different parts of the total stack up to each other. Think of it as a pie chart, but in a horizontal column or bar format. See this video to learn how to create a stacked column, 100% stacked column or stacked bar chart.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Perform a Lookup with Multiple Criteria

If you've perform lookup before it's usually looking up something with one criteria (i.e., finding the sales for SKU 123). But what if you had multiple criteria to lookup like sales for SKU 123 that are blue and size is small? Wow that's a lot of criteria to put into a lookup function. But it's actually not that hard to do. In this video I'll show two example of how you can accomplish this task. Check out the video!

Monday, March 25, 2019

How To Convert Column Data Fields To Row Data Fields

Sometimes you have columns doing double duty as a data. This video shows how to convert or move a column field into a row data field using the consolidated range option in the pivot table wizard.