Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Create a Survey Form with Radio Buttons

Did you know you can create a survey with Excel? Even though it might not be as robust as those online tools like SurveyMonkey, it's not too hard to put together. If you wanted to know how to use the forms feature in Excel, putting together a short survey will be a good entry into it. See the video on how to create a radio button survey in Excel. The radio button concept is using the the form control - Option Button.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Create Angled or Slanted Text and Borders

How to create slanted, angled or sideways text in Excel. The example show a 45 degree orientation for headings. There are also other ways to rotate the text such as vertically. The video finished with formatting such as adding borders that are also angled.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Create a Two Variable Data Table

This video is about creating a two variable data table feature. The use case for this is if you want to input two varying pieces of data and see how the output changes. For example say you are taking out a loan and maybe not sure how much you want to take out. At the same time you are unsure of the rate you might get. What are the possibilities of monthly payments you'll have? It's almost endless! With a two variable data table you can a range of interest rate AND a range of loan amounts and let the handy-dandy data table feature figure out the different monthly payments that are possible. Amazing! See the magic at work in the video.