Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Calculate the difference between dates

You have a start date and and end date and want to know how many days are in between team. Or want to know how many works days or months or even years are between these dates. Trying doing this by hand or even with a calculator and you'll go crazy. Try doing this will Excel and you'll be done in less time it takes to get a cup of coffee. Check out the video to see how to do the calculate the difference between dates with various date functions.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Use a Dropdown to Switch between Charts

If you've got a table to show different views of a data series, you might want to show it one at a time. For example you may want to compare the sales, costs and profits of different items, but not all at the same time. Instead of creating three separate charts, you have a drop down for selection and it will show the respective view of your data. See the video to learn how to use a drop down combo box form control to switch between different charts in your worksheet.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Create a Checklist

Are you a person that likes lists? Do you like that feeling of crossing off or checking off tasks that are done? This this video is for you! It shows how to create a checklist or a to do list with check marks with three different examples.