Monday, January 7, 2019

Create a Hyperlink in Excel

Almost like a web page, you can create hyperlinks in Excel. This vidoe show how to create hyperlinks in Excel using the Insert Hyperlinks feature and also with the HYPERLNKS function. In addition it will cover how to turn off that sometime annoying feature of automatic hyperlink creation.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Create an X Y Scatter Chart with Data Labels

How to create an X Y Scatter Chart with Data Label. There isn't a function to do it explicitly in Excel, but it can be done with a macro. The Microsoft Knowledge base article describes it. See the link to the article (along with the Macro code) at

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Create a Header or Footer in Excel

How to create a header or footer for your excel document. You can provide information such as date printer, page numbers, or the file name in the header or footer areas when the file is printed out. Show two way to configure this.