Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Use the Funnel Chart Feature

If you wanted to create a sales funnel chart in Excel (and if you've got Excel Office 365 or Excel 2019) there is a chart option to create a funnel chart. And it is pretty easy to create. If you don't have those version of Excel, you can still create a funnel chart. Just see my other video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxMsZUIOoTc

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Calculate a Confidence Interval in Excel

Whenever you see statements like "we are confident that the average is between x and y number" ever wonder what that means and how it's figured out? Well here's a short video that touches on the topic of confidence intervals and how it can be calculated in Excel.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Compare Two Tables in Excel [2 Examples]

Have you sent a table to someone to ask for feedback and they send it back to you with changes...BUT they don't tell you where it is! Before you strangle your friend, co-worker or boss, there is actually a couple ways to quickly find out where the changes are. I'll cover 2 example of how to do this.