Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Compare Two Tables in Excel [2 Examples]

Have you sent a table to someone to ask for feedback and they send it back to you with changes...BUT they don't tell you where it is! Before you strangle your friend, co-worker or boss, there is actually a couple ways to quickly find out where the changes are. I'll cover 2 example of how to do this.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Transpose Data in Power Query

In Excel you can you the copy or cut and then paste transpose to switch data from columns to rows, or vice versa. You're basically rotating data from rows to columns or columns to rows. This functionality is also available in Power Query. Most of the time you shouldn't have to bring a small data set into PQ to do any transpose of data, but if rotating data is part of your overall transformation steps there is some extra steps you need to be aware of.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Create an Exploding Pie Chart

If you wanted to get fancier then the ordinary pie charts how about making a 3D pie chart that has the slices come out from the center. In this video, I'll cover how to create a pie chart with an exploding pie slice.  Also covering how to change the rotation and adding some 3D effects.